
Research Interest

  • Education and educational technology
  • Communication and educational information technology in mandatory education
  • Communication and educational information technology in higher education
  • Developing fingerprints readers
  • Measuring the tendency towards implanting technology in mandatory education
  • Measuring the tendency towards implanting technology in higher education
  • Motivating faculty members to implement technology in their educational contexts
  • Motivating teachers to implement technology in their cla
  • ssrooms
  • Measuring the relationship between students’ academic performance and the integration of technology in higher education
  • Building frameworks and standards for the successful integration of educational technology in higher educationResearch Interest

Current Research

Currently, I am involved in several researches to find out the successful methods to implement E-learning in Higher Education Institutions. The research has respondents from the KSA and the USA; and it has found substantial findings. The title of the research is “The Successful Motives to E-learning in Higher Education”. It will be published in a renowned international journal.
Further, I am involved in putting standards for frameworks that help measure the successfulness and efficiency when implementing technology in higher educational contexts. 
Plus, I am building a number of frameworks that tries to help pedagogists and professionals judge the efficiency and quality of educational technological products published in the web or saved in all varying forms. 
Moreover, I am participating in a couple of research groups that works on developing fingerprints readers; it aims at decreasing the reading time used by the reader, and to ease the task on the user.


  • Abdul Kareem Eid. Al-Alwani. A study on Integration of Information Technology in Higher Education in Saudi Arabia. Submitted to ELEED and NTE Journal, Jan 2011
  • Abdul Kareem Eid. Al-Alwani, Abdulaziz Saleh Alraddadi, Mohammed M. Al-Suraihi. Strategic e Learning. At the International Conference - The Future of Education
  • Abdul Kareem Eid. Al-Alwani. Obstacles to Successful E Learning in Societies. E Learning Regional Conference, in Kuwait on the 28th of March 2011.
  • AbdulKareem Eid. Al-Alwani. E-Learning Course Criteria (ECC) in Higher Education, in the International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies, July 2010, Barcelona, Spain. AbdulKareem Eid. Al-Alwani. Barriers to Effective use of Information Technology in  Science Education, in the 2010 Conference on Enterprise Information Systems and Web  Technologies (EISWT), July 12-14 2010 in Orlando, FL, USA. 
  • AbdulKareem Al-Alwani and Safeeullah Soomro. Barriers to Effective use of Information Technology in Education. In the E-Learning Conference 1-4 February 2010, DUBAI. 
  • AbdulKareem Al-Alwani. Barriers to Effective Use of Information Technology in Science Education at Yanbu, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. In the Book of E- Learning, ISBN 978-953-7619-40-4, published in 2009.
  • AbdulKareem Al-Alwani. Barriers to Effective Use of Information Technology in Science Education at Yanbu, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. It is chapter two of the book “ E-learning – experiences and future” with the ISBN 978-953-307-092-6. It has reached an access rate of more than 6000 times according to InTech.   
  • AbdulKareem Eid. Al-Alwani. Barriers to Integrating Information Technology in Saudi Arabia Science Education, PhD Thesis 2005. Indiana University USA.

Presentations and Conferences

  • Publishing a paper at the E-learning conference, Kuwait, March 2011
  • Publishing a paper at the Education using latest electronic applications international conference, Barcelona, Spain, July, 2010
  • Attending, presenting, and heading a session at the Information Technology Systems and Web Technology conference, Orlando, the USA, July, 2010
  • Publishing a paper at the E-learning conference, Dubai, the UAE, February, 2012
  • Attending and presenting at the Education Conference, Valencia, Spain, April, 2010
  • Publishing a paper in the Future of Education Conference, Florina, Italy, June, 2011
  • Presenting ‘How to Become the Active Learner’ at Yanbu University College, Yanbu, 2010
  • Presenting ‘How to Use IT to discover the Talented’, Aramco Company, Yanbu, January, 2010
  • Presenting ‘Barriers to the effective use of IT in teaching Sciences’, Orlando, Florida, the USA, 2010
  • Presenting ‘Barriers to the effective use of IT in teaching Sciences’, Yanbu University College, 2009
  • Presenting ‘Integrating IT in Higher Education’ , Yanbu University College, 2009
  • Presenting ‘Barriers to the integrating of IT in teaching Sciences’, Qatar University, Qatar, 2007
  • Presenting ‘Barriers to the integrating of IT in teaching Sciences’, Indiana University, the USA, 2005
  • A presented paper in the IST fifth annual conference, Indiana University, the USA, April, 2005
  • The 6th Jordanian Education Initiative for Technology Integration at Amman, Jordan, October 2005